关于「 protos」的内容列表


据Protos报道,PORK和PNDC创始人Jeremy Cahen(X账号为@Pauly0x)因涉嫌袭击被波多黎各圣胡安市警方列入当地十大通缉犯名单。然而,截至周四晚间,警方已将其从名单中移除,可能意味着其已被逮捕、指控被撤销或跌出前十。 据悉,Jeremy Cahen曾创建市值一度高达2.5亿美元的Pepecoin(PEPE)分叉代币PORK,以及曾达到1亿美元市值的Uniswap分叉代币PNDC。

2025-02-08 02:29:51
Thailand cuts off border power supply to crack down on Myanmar crypto scam center operations

According to Protos, the Thai government cut off electricity, internet and fuel supplies in the Thai-Myanmar border area at 9:00 am (10:00 Beijing time) on February 5 to crack down on local cryptocurrency fraud centers. The operation involved five service providers in three districts: Myawaddy, Payathonzu and Tachilek. According to the investigation, the KK Park fraud center in Myawaddy is suspected of defrauding $1 worth through "romance scam".

2025-02-05 12:19:26

据 Protos 报道,泰国政府于 2 月 5 日上午 9 时(北京时间 10 时)切断了泰缅边境地区的电力、互联网和燃料供应,以打击当地加密货币诈骗中心。此次行动涉及 Myawaddy、Payathonzu 和 Tachilek 三个地区的五家服务供应商。 据调查,位于 Myawaddy 的 KK Park 诈骗中心涉嫌通过“杀猪盘”骗取价值 1 ...

2025-02-05 12:19:26
Tether executives buy property in El Salvador and become citizens

On January 13, Protos quoted local media ElFaro as reporting that Tether executives are spending a large amount of money to purchase real estate in El Salvador and become Salvadoran citizens. Giancarlo Devasini, chief financial officer, Paolo Ardoino, chief executive officer, and Claudia Lagorio, chief operating officer, purchased two parcels of land valued at $1.70 million in the luxury golf resort Condominio Villanueva Golf Country Club, which is also a residential area El Encanto. According t...

2025-01-13 02:15:51

1月13日消息,据Protos援引当地媒体ElFaro报道,Tether高管正在花费大量资金购买萨尔瓦多房地产,并成为萨尔瓦多公民。 公司首席财务官Giancarlo Devasini、首席执行官Paolo Ardoino及首席运营官Claudia Lagorio购买了价值170万美元的两块土地,位于豪华高尔夫度假村Condominio Villanueva Golf Country Club,同时,该地区也是住宅区El Encanto。契约显示,Ardoino和Lagorio已成为萨尔瓦多归化公民。

2025-01-13 02:15:51
The Bitcoin mailing list and its history have been removed from the Linux

On November 6th, Protos reported that the migration of the "Bitcoin mailing list" has been completed, and the Bitcoin Core developers have permanently deleted their archive from the open-source platform of the Linux Foundation. Visitors to the original homepage of the archive will now only see an error message: "There is no list named bitcoin-dev." Part of the reason for this action is that the Linux Foundation announced that they will stop providing hosting services for mailing lists starting a...

2024-11-06 10:44:16

11月6日消息,据Protos报道,“比特币邮件列表”的迁移工作已完成,比特币核心开发者已将其档案从Linux基金会的开源平台上永久删除。访问该档案原首页的访客现在只会看到一个错误信息:“没有名为bitcoin-dev的列表。”这一行动的部分原因是Linux基金会宣布,从2023年底开始他们将停止提供邮件列表的托管服务。 比特币开发者Bryan Bishop现已将Lin...

2024-11-06 10:44:16
The US Supreme Court has refused to hear the Silk Road appeal case, and 69,370 bitcoins may be auctioned off

On October 8th, according to Protos, the US Supreme Court refused to hear the appeal of 69,370 bitcoins (worth $4.40 billion) related to the Silk Road by Battle BornInvestments and others. Protos said that this means that these bitcoins may soon be auctioned. Previously, the US District Court for the Northern District of California ruled to allow the US government to dispose of the confiscated bitcoins in accordance with the law. Battle BornInvestments had tried to obtain the rights of these bit...

2024-10-08 03:30:11
美国最高法院拒绝审理丝绸之路上诉案,69370 枚比特币或将被拍卖

10月8日消息,据Protos报道,美国最高法院拒绝审理Battle BornInvestments等人与丝绸之路相关的69370枚比特币(价值44亿美元)的上诉。Protos称,这意味着这些比特币可能很快将被拍卖。 此前,美国加州北区地方法院裁定,允许美国政府依法处置这些没收的比特币。Battle BornInvestments曾试图通过上诉获得这些比特币的...

2024-10-08 03:30:11
The number of crypto companies registered with the UK's FCA has dropped by 51% in the past three years, with a total of 186 companies withdrawing their applications

According to Protos, according to a Freedom of Information Request (FOI), the UK's Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has been processing crypto applications for the equivalent of 25 years. The Financial Times reports that the FOI filed by law firm Reed Smith shows that the FCA takes an average of 459 days to evaluate crypto applications. From May 2023 to April 2024, the number of applications filed dropped to 29, a significant decrease from 42 and 59 in the previous two years. Quarter 1 in 2024 ...

2024-08-30 04:58:40

8月30日消息,据Protos报道,根据信息自由请求(FOI),英国金融行为监管局(FCA)处理加密申请的时间累计相当于有25年。 《金融时报》报道称,律师事务所Reed Smith提交的FOI显示,FCA评估加密申请的平均时间为459天。2023年5月至2024年4月,提交的申请数量降至29份,相比之前两年的42份和59份大幅减少。2024年第一季度仅提交了7份申请。报告显示,过去三年中...

2024-08-30 04:58:40
Lava founder: Expect around 400 "second layer" solutions running on the Bitcoin chain

On August 30, according to Protos, Lava founder Shehzan said that about 400 "second-layer" solutions are expected to run on the Bitcoin blockchain. Shehzan pointed out in the August 25 issue of The Gwart Show that the actual value of these roll-ups and alternative blockchains has been called into question. Some put the number of such projects at only 80 to 85, while some estimate more than 1,000. Estimates vary so much because anyone can "roll-up...

2024-08-30 04:55:39

8月30日消息,据Protos报道,Lava创始人Shehzan表示,预计比特币区块链上运行着约400个“第二层”解决方案。 Shehzan在8月25日的《Gwart Show》中指出,这些roll-ups和替代区块链的实际价值受到质疑。一些人认为此类项目数量仅为80到85个,而一些人则预估超过1,000个。估计值差异如此之大,因为任何人都可以“roll-up...

2024-08-30 04:55:39
Russia has exchanged two prisoners for some of the Russians held by the United States and its allies, including BTC-e founder Vinnik.

According to Protos, Russia used Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich and a former U.S. Marine, Paul Whelan, in exchange for a number of Russians held by the United States and its allies, including Alexander Vinnik, the founder of the BTC-e cryptocurrency exchange. Evan Gershkovich and Paul Whelan went to a location outside Russia yesterday. According to Business Insider, citing TASS, Vinnik and others will be sent in the other direction, and their names have been removed from the FBI's...

2024-08-02 06:27:58
俄罗斯用两名囚犯交换美国及其盟国关押的部分俄罗斯人,其中包括 BTC-e 创始人 Vinnik

据 Protos 报道,俄罗斯用《华尔街日报》记者 Evan Gershkovich 和一名前美国海军陆战队员 Paul Whelan,以换取美国及其盟国关押的一些俄罗斯人,包括 BTC-e 加密货币交易所的创始人 Alexander Vinnik。 Evan Gershkovich 和 Paul Whelan 昨日前往俄罗斯境外的地点。根据 Business Insider 援引 TASS 的报道,Vinnik 等人将被送往另一方向,他们的名字已从 FBI 的电子数据库中移除。 据悉...

2024-08-02 06:27:58

7x24 快讯

02:49 2025-03-24
Arthur Hayes押注比特币将先涨至11万美元
据Arthur Hayes在X平台发文,他表示看好比特币将先上涨至11万美元,而非回调至76,500美元。其理由为美联储正由量化紧缩(QT)转向对美债的量化宽松(QE),而通胀被视为“暂时性”,关税影响有限。他称将在下一篇文章中详细阐述观点,目前先提供“TikTok脑容量版”摘要。
02:46 2025-03-24
《富爸爸穷爸爸》作者 Robert Kiyosaki 在 X 平台发文表示,比特币迎来历史性财富机遇,但许多人因 FOMM(害怕犯错)而错失良机。他认为,FOMO 的投资者将积累世代财富,而 FOMM 人群则会等到比特币突破 20 万美元后才感叹“太贵了”。 比特币支持者,如 Jeff Booth、Michael Saylor、Samson Mow 等人,长期看好比特币的财富效应,而传统教育体系则让许多人害怕失败,最终错失机会。
02:43 2025-03-24
数据:过去 24 小时全网爆仓 1.47 亿美元,空单爆仓 9085 万美元
02:43 2025-03-24
02:34 2025-03-24
02:27 2025-03-24
3月24日消息,据Public Pool与Umbrel称,北京时间3月23日08:30,一位个人矿工使用自托管的Umbrel节点与Bitaxe矿机,通过Public Pool协议成功挖出首个比特币区块(888989),区块奖励为3.15188086 BTC。
02:21 2025-03-24
3月24日消息,据链上数据分析师 @ai_9684xtpa 监测,SHELL 回购地址再次从 Binance 提出 100 万枚代币,目前回购代币总数已达 2195 万枚,进度更新至 81.2%。自回购首日 3 月 14 日起至今 SHELL 共上涨 4.56%。
02:09 2025-03-24
数据:Circle 在 Solana 上新增铸造 2.5 亿枚 USDC
据 Onchain Lens 监测,Circle 在 Solana 上新增铸造 2.5 亿枚 USDC。截至目前,Circle 2025 年已在 Solana 上累计铸造 107.5 亿枚 USDC。
02:00 2025-03-24
以太坊 2025 年 Q1 创历史最差表现,连续三月均呈负收益
3月24日消息,据 Coinglass 数据,以太坊在 2025 年第一季度经历了近年来最为惨淡的开局,连续三个月均呈现负收益: 1月:-1.28%(历史平均收益:+20.63%,中位数:+31.92%); 2月:-31.95%(历史平均收益:+11.68%,中位数:+8.78%); 3月:-10.16%(历史平均收益:+19.55%,中位数:+9.96%); 这是以太坊自2017年有完整数据记录以来,首次出现连续三个月全部为负收益的第一季度。对比历年第一季度表现: 2024年:两涨一跌(-0...
01:57 2025-03-24
资管公司南方东英宣布推出9只美股个股杠杆及反向产品(L&I Products),让投资者可以在亚洲时段进行美股交易,据悉新产品周一(24日)首挂,投资5只美股个股,包括伯克希尔哈撒韦、特斯拉、英伟达、Coinbase及Strategy(原MicroStrategy),以掉期为基础的合成模拟策略,达成2倍杠杆并设有港元及美元柜台,每手10个单位,入场费约780元,预计追踪误差约0.06%。
01:33 2025-03-24
01:27 2025-03-24
数据:Metaplanet 再购入 150 枚比特币,累计持仓达 3350 枚
据 Metaplanet 公告,公司作为其比特币金库战略的一部分,再次购入 150 枚比特币,平均价格为每枚 12,570,173 日元,总计约 18.86 亿日元。截至目前,公司共持有 3,350 枚比特币,累计购入总额为约 422.16 亿日元。